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Статья ректора в первой в мире коллективной монографии по социальному туризму

3 октября 2013 года в Европарламенте состоялась презентация книги «Regards croises sur le tourisme social dans le monde L’apport de la recherche» (франц), «Social Tourism: International Perspectives The Contribution of Research (англ.).

Книга издана на английском и французском языках. В ней собраны статьи о социальном туризме ведущих ученых мира. 

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Isabelle Bauthier, docteure en sciences, travaille comme chercheuse au sein du Laboratoire interdisciplinaire tourisme, territoires, societe de l'Universite libre de Bruxelles. Ses recherches portent sur differentes facettes du tourisme, dont le tourisme social, avec une reflexion accrue sur les acteurs et le rechauffement climatique.

Katarzyna Bogacz est detentrice d'un doctorat en geographie a l'Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 (France) sur les problematiques du tourisme social et des voyages scolaires. Titulaire d'un magistere de psychologie (specialite: psychologie du tourisme), licenciee de sociologie et de journalisme, Chercheuse, enseignante et journaliste, elle articule ses recherches a leur possible exploitation dans le champ de Faction.

Francesco Favia is president of Apuliae Open University's public care relationship to the National Tourism Research Institute (ISNART) in southern Italy. A lawyer with a MBA specializing in organizations, tourism marketing, he is an adult’s teacher in European public procurement procedures, innovative tools and techniques for management trainers. His research interests are in social tourism, marketing, quality and organization, development, and tourism employers.

Sarah Johnson is a researcher who worked with the Family Holiday Association and Nottingham University Business School from 2010 to 2012 on a KTP project. She helped to develop the Online Social Tourism Knowledge Bank and undertook research on the well-being and educational benefits of social tourism. She currently works as a Research Officer at Newham Council, London.

Lynn Minnaert is Assistant Professor in Tourism and Hospitality at New York University. Her main research focus is social tourism and tourism participation strategies. She has published extensively on this topic in a range of academic journals, and is co-editor of two books: Social Tourism in Europe: Theory and Practice (Bristol: Channel View) and Social Tourism Perspectives and Potential (London: Routledge)

Yevgeny Trofimov, rector of the Russian International Academy for Tourism, known Russian political and public figure, head of several federal projects, and chairman of Committee of the State Duma for the affairs of nationalities (2003-2007). He is one of the social tourism ideologists in Russia, author of many articles on national relations, social policy, and tourism development, and doctor of political science.

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