Publishing activities
Publishing activities The main task of the Editorial and Publishing Center is the organization and implementation of university book publishing, which provides the needs of the Academy for educational, methodological and scientific literature on the main professional educational programs. That meets the requirements established by state educational standards and within the framework of scientific schools of the RIAT, as well as the publication of other work in the interests of ensuring the activities of the Academy. Thematic planning of editorial and publishing activities is carried out at the request of departments. At the heart of this planning is the analysis of the provision of training courses with the necessary literature.
The planned positions are grouped into sections by type of publications: textbooks; teaching and methodological and practical manuals; monographs; collections of scientific papers and materials of scientific and practical conferences; other types of publications. The names of the planned educational publications correspond to the names of academic disciplines, and the circulations are considered to take into account the needs of the educational process. The subject matter of the published materials is determined mainly by the curricula of the directions and profiles. The content includes management, tourism, economics, tourism pedagogy, personnel management, law, computer science, foreign languages, etc. Among the authors are teachers, heads of departments, representatives of the Rector's office. Many of them have academic degrees of doctor or candidate of sciences, extensive experience in the system of tourism education and practical experience in the field of tourism. 
Educational publications are aimed at strengthening the professional, practical orientation of the studenst, preparing them to master not so much knowledge as the ways and technologies of obtaining them. The didactic sequence of scientific and subject knowledge presupposes to consider the need to study this discipline for the successful assimilation of subsequent ones, as well as demonstrating the importance of science and the trends existing in it in subsequent professional activity. The Academy pays great attention to the production of scientific literature. Monographs, scientific papers and collections, as well as materials of scientific and practical conferences and forums are published. 
Since 2011, the scientific and practical journal "Vestnik of RIAT" has been published at the Academy. The publication of the journal is an objective necessity for the development of the university, its scientific base, the development of new directions for improving the quality of professional training. The journal covers new scientific research of authoritative representatives of the tourism industry, both Russian and foreign, professors and associate professors of the Academy, young scientists, postgraduates. Since December 2015 the journal has been included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences should be published. The quality of the RIAT publications is confirmed by positive reviews of leading experts in the field of tourism, certificates of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. RIAT textbooks have received awards and take prizes at international and All-Russian forums and book exhibitions. The Academy received the award of the Federal Ministry of Education "For achievements in the field of publishing in the field of education". From 1998 to 2023, about 900 titles of educational and scientific publications were published in the RIAT. 
RIAT cooperates with the publishing house "University Book", as well as with the largest electronic library systems IPR BOOKS, Central Collector of Libraries "BIBCOM", Nexmedia. ELS is the resource where intra–university literature reaches a completely different level and can be marketable not only within the university and the region, but also throughout the country.