Moscow branch of RIAT
Moscow branch of RIAT The Moscow branch of RIAT has been conducting educational activities in Moscow since 1998 and is one of the most effective divisions of the Educational Private Institution of Higher Education "Russian International Academy for Tourism" (RIAT), the leading Russian educational and scientific center in the field of professional tourism education. 
There are 4 bachelor's degree programs of higher education: "Management", "Hotel business", "Product Technology and catering organization" and "Architectural Environment Design", as well as 2 specialties of secondary vocational education: "Tourism and Hospitality" and "Cookery and Confectionery". Moscow branch of RIAT today: - is a high level of teaching of professional disciplines, the intensive language training for young specialists, the opportunity to master several foreign languages at once, including through foreign internships and practices; - is a system of continuing professional education in the field of tourism and hospitality: secondary vocational education — higher education (bachelor's degree) - programs of advanced training and professional retraining of personnel in the field of hospitality and tourism industry. 
Classes are conducted by such well-known Russian scientists and practitioners as: - Honorary worker of education of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Hospitality Management and Food Technology — Anatoly Efimov, who is a well-known scientist in the field of commodity science and technology of public catering products, accredited judge-expert of the World Association of Culinary Unions of Professional Chefs (WACS) and the National Association of Chefs of Russia, one of the authors of the legendary bestseller "The Book about delicious and healthy food"; - President of Moscow Designers Union, member of the Russia Designers Union Presidium of Designers of Russia, Member of the Coordinating Council of Creative Unions of Moscow, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts — Sergey Smirnov. As a member of the working groups he participated in the creation of the Memorial to the Unknown Soldier on Manezhnaya Square and the restoration of the Triumphal Arch on Kutuzovsky Prospekt (Moscow). The structure of personnel training in the Moscow branch of RIAT is formed in accordance with the needs of the labor market of Moscow and the Moscow region, that is confirmed by the demand for graduates in all specialties and areas. The branch is actively working on the employment of its graduates, interacting with enterprises and organizations in Moscow. All areas and specialties have a tourist, hotel and restaurant orientation. Graduates successfully work in Moscow hotels and restaurants, tourist and tour operator agencies, architectural and design workshops. 
One of the priorities of the Moscow branch is to ensure a high level of education based on international cooperation. The Russian-French educational program in the field of international hotel management "Vatel-RIAT" has been implemented for more than 15 years. Upon completion of training, graduates get two documents: a Russian bachelor's degree of the state standard in the direction 38.03.02 "Management", orientation - "International Hotel management" and a diploma "Bachelor in International Hotel Management" (Vatel, France). Vatel Group is the second most important hotel and tourism business management school in Europe. It unites 50 institutes of hotel and tourism business management, more than 9 thousand students and 42 thousand graduates in 33 countries, and according to the QS World University Ranking is the First Higher School of Hotel Management in France. The Vatel Group trains top-level specialists in the field of international hotel and tourism business according to European standards. Graduates are successfully employed in the largest hotel enterprises and tourist companies in Russia, near and far abroad. The students training takes place in close cooperation and under the patronage of the hotel corporations Marriott, Hyatt Hotels, Accor Group, Ritz-Carlton, Kempinski Hotels, Swissotel and others. 
The most important principle of the branch's activity is to ensure close cooperation with structures, institutions and organizations acting as employers. Partnerships in the field of personnel training, organization of students’ practices and internships on the basis of long-term cooperation agreements have developed with leading hotel and tourist enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region: The President-Hotel, LLC "Soft-Project", Izmailovo Complex, LLC "Balchug", JSC "Monarch Center Hotel", JSC "Niko Tour", JSC "Central Council for Tourism and Recreation", LLC "Sanexpresstrevel", JSC National Tourist Company "Intourist", Food factory "Kremlevsky","Peter I" Hotel, restaurant complexes ""Gusi-Lebedy"", "Restrade Group" and others. For these and other organizations in the field of tourism and hospitality, the branch with the Russian Hotel Association, has developed and is successfully implementing advanced training and professional retraining programs "Management of hotel and restaurant enterprises", "Classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities", "Classification of beaches", etc. 
The educational activities of the Moscow branch of the RIAT are highly praised by the Moscow Government: in 2012, the director of the branch was awarded the Moscow Prize in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism in the nomination "Tourism" for his great contribution to the training of qualified specialists for Moscow organizations. In 2013, the branch was honored with Pole Star Award in the nomination "Personnel training for the tourism industry" as the results of the professional competition between tourism industry enterprises of Moscow Committee on Tourism and Hotel Management. In addition, in 2019, the branch became the Winner of the National Hotel Award in the nomination "The Best Personnel Training System" founded by The Russian Hotel Association. 