Международная ассоциация социального туризма (ОИТС), штаб-квартира которой находится в г. Брюсселе (Бельгия), придает большое значение деятельности по популяризации идей и принципов Глобального этического кодекса туризма, разработанного Всемирной туристской организацией (ЮНВТО).
Российская международная академия туризма стала первым учебным заведением, подписавшим Глобальный этический кодекс туризма.
Информация о проведении РМАТ студенческой встрече по тематике Глобального этического кодекса туризма была воспринята ОИТС с большим вниманием и признательностью и размещена на сайте этой авторитетной международной организации.
Russian International Academy for Tourism (RIAT)
The students of RIAT vote for the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
At the European for all Tourism Forum and the General Assembly of the International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO) held in Albufeira (Portugal) last year the rector of the Russian International Academy for Tourism (RIAT), PhD in Politics Engeny Nicolayevich Trofimov, signed the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.
The students of the RIAT who learned about this important event through the rector, supported the idea of contributing to the peoples rapprochement through tourism enthusiastically. They highly estimated the fact that the Academy became the only one who has signed the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism among the world's leading universities due to the recommendation of the UNWTO.
As a higher educational institution in tourism the RIAT joined to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism officially with the purpose to apply its principles in tourism education. The Academy is aiming to spread the knowledge about the Global Code among the participants of tourism and will apply all these principles in the management policy as well.
For more than twenty-five years, the RIAT has been working with the International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO) and their students are aware of its activity from the origins. The Academy was the platform for a meeting of the executive committee of the ISTO, with Jean Marc Mignon as President. ISTO representatives of Belgium, Canada, Italy and France met the students and the academic-lecturer staff of the RIAT.
The fact that the RIAT has agreed to sign the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, is an example of its successful integration into the global tourism community.
RIAT students at the meeting on the Global Code of Ethics
Evgueny Trofimov, RIAT rector, explaining the importance of the Global Code of Ethics
Источник: www.oits-isto.org