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ФИЛИАЛЫ РМАТ - Новости филиалов 

Конференция в городе Тракай
Опубликовано: 17.03.2010

     Директор Псковского филиала РМАТ Козырева О.А. приняла участие в конференции, посвященной началу международного проекта «Trans-in-form» как представитель российской стороны, сопартнер проекта. Конференция прошла в г. Тракай, Литва с 17 по 19 февраля 2010 года 
     The Trans-in Form (TiF) project had a successful kick-off meeting in Trakai, Lithuania, on 17-19 February 2010. In all ten European countries were represented – as well as partners from Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, Norway, Poland and Germany, there were co-partners from Russia and Belarus, and experts from Italy and the UK. A feature of the meeting was the strong representation of political leaders, and the range of other officials who were there, who included, amongst others, international officers, strategic planners, architects, economic development workers and cultural managers. The diversity of the posed challenges but also created rewards through the exchange of experiwences and perspectives. 
     TiF is an ambitious and rather complex project. It is about creating territorial development strategies and investments in rural regions and towns in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). As such it contributes to the BSR strategy of “attractive and competitive cities and regions.” It also fits the VASAB Long Term Perspective (LTP) for the Territorial Development of the BSR was agreed in 2009. VASAB stands for “Visions and Strategies around the Baltic Sea” and is an inter-governmental programme, which includes Russia and Belarus. 
     The four underpinning ideas of the TiF project were highlighted by Professor Emeritus Cliff Hague, one of TiF’s experts, during the opening session. The four ideas are:
• Attractiveness helps grow the local/regional economy;
• Better images and branding of places can make places more attractive;
• Design of the public realm can make a town more attractive;
• Visionary and inclusive governance is important to delivery of more attractive places. 
     These were explored, challenged and developed by speakers and discussion groups throughout the meeting.

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